Jack Mann Memorial Medal Nominations The Jack Mann Memorial Medal (JMMM) was established in 1989, in conjunction with the Sheraton Wine Awards, in honour of the legendary Houghton winemaker, Jack Mann. Nominator DetailsPlease fill in your details.Nominator Mr.Mrs.MissMs.Dr.Prof.Rev. Title First Last Post-nominal Gender Male Female Unspecified Email MobileSecondary PhoneBusiness / Organisation Name Position Nominee DetailsTell us about the person you are nominating. It is preferable that the nominee not be made aware of this nomination.Nominee* Dr.MissMr.Mrs.Ms.Prof.Rev. Title First Last Post-nominal Mobile*Secondary PhoneEmail Business / Organisation Name Position Activities undertaken by the NomineePlease set out what the nominee has done and why you think they should be recognised. The response boxes are meant to help you do this, but every nomination is different so there is no single way to approach this. Just tell us what you know and what you think is particularly noteworthy about your nominee’s service and achievements. You can include: Examples of how they have demonstrated outstanding qualities; What they have done to make things better for others; The role(s) or area(s) in which they have excelled. How do you know the person you are nominating?Please outline your nominee’s service.What roles have they undertaken, paid or unpaid that contribute to their achievements, and when did they undertake this service (if known)?Please provide any additional comments on your nominee’s suitability for an award. Δ